We Do Things Differently
We’re the only organisation to offer businesses a truly impartial, commission-free, energy switching service.
Not only is the average business paying commission on its energy, but the people selling it to them are far from impartial, often receiving large commissions and volume bonuses for contracts.
The amount of money being made in commissions by many of the established comparison sites is obscene. This money is your money, it should be in your back pocket, not paying for some CEO’s second holiday home.

The power companies don’t pay the commission for your energy switch, you do!
Its time to say NO to Energy Commission
How much commission do you think is fair for a comparison service to earn? £100? £150? £200? Commissions for even low energy consuming businesses can be several hundred pounds, while larger energy consumers such as care homes, hotels and restaurants can find literally thousands of pounds added on in hidden commission. It’s not unheard of for commission to account for 50% of a business user’s energy costs.
See how much cheaper business energy is, once you’ve taken the commission out.
Learn more about hidden commission in business energy contracts
There’s no such thing as a free lunch In business
There’s only one reason the amount of commission you pay is not declared to you or is hidden in the small print. And that’s because, if you knew, you would never accept it.
The average business is paying £1560 in energy commission.
- The customer pay’s this commission, not the energy supplier.
- It is added onto the businesses electricity & gas kWh rates.
- Brokers often make a larger margin than the power companies.
- Brokers/Comparison Sites are completely unregulated.
- Its not unheard of for commission to account for 50% of energy costs.
- Brokers/Comparison Sites are driving your prices up, not down.
Now you know why every man and his dog, from every corner of the world, is trying to sell you electricity and gas for “Free”!
Hidden Commission Calculator - See what you're really paying!
Our interactive calculator reveals the hidden commissions added by our competitors. Since we charge no commission, find out how much you could be saving.
* These figures are accurately calculated using the industry average commission rate of 1.7 pence per kWh, as highlighted in The Guardian’s article “Legal action launched against ‘rip-off’ secret commissions on UK firms’ energy bills,” published on January 31st, 2024.
You’re the Boss
We don’t receive a penny from power companies, our income comes from you, our customers. We work for you.
Real Energy People
By operating online, we keep our fee as low as possible. However, very experienced energy people are behind the screen. We know our stuff and we treat you like a paying customer, not just another commission.
Open and Transparent
We’ve got nothing to hide. Check our prices against everyone else’s, see for yourself how much commission is being loaded onto your price per kWh rates.

Customer Support
Company information
Digital Energy Revolution Ltd
13a Mill Lane
Wimborne, BH21 1LN
Company No: 15337932
For customer questions
[email protected]
For media inquiries
[email protected]
Anything else
[email protected]

Quick Tip:
Having a recent energy bill handy will speed up the process, but you can still get a quote without it!
Next Steps:
We're now passing you to our comparison site's computer system to find the best commission-free deals tailored to your business. Meanwhile, rest assured, we're here for you every step of the way. Should you need any help, just reach out. Ultimately, we’ll see you at the finish line with your perfect energy plan.
What to Expect:
- Fast Results: See your prices within 30 seconds.
- No Hard Sell: Get your quote without speaking to anyone.
- Support: We’re always here to assist you.
- Expertise: Benefit from our energy knowledge.
Click below to continue to our comparison site and discover your ideal energy plan.